Effortlessly Ditch Sugar Cravings and
Finally Make Healthy Eating Stick 

  Without the raging overwhelm, cutting out all the foods you love 

and using sheer restraint or willpower

Are you tired of...

Constantly battling sugar cravings

Feeling like food has control over you

Feeling guilty and frustrated around food

Being stuck in a vicious cycle with food

Using willpower and failing to stop overeating

Unable to enjoy food and make healthy eating stick for good

Unlock the tried and tested Roadmap to
Ditching Sugar Cravings and
Make Healthy Eating Stick For Good
Imagine if...

... you woke up every morning feeling completely in control of your cravings, with no desire for those sugary treats that sabotage your great efforts. Picture yourself effortlessly making choices that nourish your body and support your long-term health goals. 

You would no longer feel the frustration of not knowing what to do to stop those relentless sugar cravings. Instead, you would have effective tools and strategies ready, empowering you to overcome these cravings once and for all.

I'm here to tell you that IT IS POSSIBLE to you too.

Let me show you how... 

The time is NOW.

It's time to break free from the cycle of craving and indulging in sugary treats. Cravings Rebalanced is specifically designed to help women, like you, overcome sugar cravings and find balance with food. I understand what it's like to be stuck in the vicious cycle of sugar cravings and I want to share the ultimate strategies to get out.

 £97 FREE ONLY with Revitalize & Thrive Bundle
What others say about Cravings Rebalanced:
Bristol, 44

I have seen an astounding reduction in sugar cravings! Truly, I seldom have those cravings anymore. I have also learnt so much; nutrition, my body's response to different foods, shopping, food prep- the list goes on and on.

Houston, 36

It's been so amazing the past 4 weeks! I really feel like you've started me on a lifelong journey of healthy eating and getting rid of sugar cravings this time (it hasn't happened for years!). 

Worried another course won't change anything..?

Cravings Rebalanced isn't just another course, it's an implementation program. Sure, you will learn the theory and insights about nutrition and your mindset, but more importantly, you will have a practical, step-by-step roadmap that takes into account only what’s important to get you the results you desire. 

 The end result: Peaceful relationship with sugar and your dream food habits that stick for good, even if life gets busy, stressful or overwhelming. 
What you will find inside...
Module 1: Hack Your Cravings

Learn how to decode your cravings and uncover the underlying reasons behind your sugar urges, so you can gain a deeper understanding of your body's unique needs. 

Module 2: Gear Up for Success

Dive into the multi-layered aspects of sugar cravings and learn how to shift your mindset to support lasting lifestyle changes, making it easier to resist temptations. Learn how to develop a lasting blood sugar balance and physical resilience.

Module 3: Break Up with Sugar

Check out the step-by-step strategies to gradually reduce sugar intake, retrain your taste buds, and find healthy, satisfying alternatives. Say hello to a healthier, more vibrant you with tried and tested strategies that last!

Module 4: Nourish, Not Punish
Rediscover the joy of eating as you learn to nourish your body with wholesome, delicious foods (and make it last!). Say goodbye to deprivation and hello to a balanced, fulfilling way of nourishing your body.
Your Roadmap to Ditch Sugar Cravings now for  
£97 FREE ONLY with Revitalize & Thrive Bundle
But that's not all!
Check out the BONUSES worth £141
Bonus 3: Favourite Recipe Collection

Eating well doesn't mean sacrificing taste! Our Favourite Recipe Collection is packed with delicious and nutritious recipes that will satisfy your cravings without compromising your health goals. From guilt-free desserts to flavourful meals, you'll never feel deprived again (Value £77)

Bonus 1: Portion Perfection Masterclass
Discover the secrets to portion control in our exclusive Portion Perfection Masterclass. With expert guidance and practical tips, you'll learn how to create balanced meals and maintain a healthy relationship with food, leaving you feeling satisfied and in control (Value £37)
Bonus 2: Stress Management Technique Guide
We understand that stress can often trigger those pesky sugar cravings. That's why we've included a Stress Management Technique Guide to help you navigate and conquer stress in a healthy way. From simple breathing exercises to mindfulness techniques, you'll have the tools to manage stress and prevent it from derailing your progress (Value £27)
CRAVINGS REBALANCED is Perfect for Your If…

  • You’ve been trying to ditch sugar cravings on and off for months (or maybe years) and you are finally ready to break up with sugar once and for all.
  • You truly feel that there has to be a better way of changing food habits long-term, rather than going on a restrictive diet, cutting out all the foods you love or investing hundreds on superfoods.
  • You need a little health reset and want to feel empowered and in control of your food habits once again.

Hey, I'm Milda 

I am a Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner BANT CNHC, for the past 7 years specializing in supporting people with disordered eating and a difficult relationship with food. After my journey with food struggles for over a decade, I know how frustrating it can get to find effective strategies, that not only sound good in theory but are also practical and truly work. 

 I’m all about taking focused action and after helping hundreds of 1:1 clients through my nutritional therapy practice to stop overcoming sugar cravings, I know what works! In the Cravigs Rebalanced Course, I share the EXACT tools that I still use daily to help others ditch sugar cravings and make healthy heating stick for good. 

 See you inside?

Your Roadmap to Ditch Sugar Cravings now for
£97 FREE ONLY with Revitalize & Thrive Bundle
Got Questions about CRAVINGS REBALANCED?
I've got answers!
  • Q1: I’m already busy, will I have the time to implement changes?
    The busier you are, the MORE you need to take control of your food habits and ditch sugar cravings for good.

    Think about it, how long has the sugar habit taken precious time away from you that could be spent getting ahead on that new project at work you’ve been planning for months, spending some quality time with kids doing crafts or finally having a go at those online yoga classes?

    If life gets busy when you are taking the Cravings Rebalanced course, remember you have LIFETIME access to the course. It is a self-paced course, which means you are never behind.
  • Q2: I tried so many times to quit sugar, how is this going to be different?
    Good, means you have the motivation to get you started!

    Unlike other programs, I don’t want you to just follow meal plans or numbers blindly and feel back to square one a few weeks after the program finishes. Cavings Rebalanced is so much more than that, as it gives you the opportunity to learn the WHYs and the HOWs so you can truly take control of your food habits for good, even when life gets busy and stressful.

    PLUS, the program is based on the successes and strategies from years of working with clients in my private clinic and is fine-tuned to work for you as an individual person, so I can assure you that my approach is unique!
  • Q3: Will I lose weight on the program?
    Cravings Rebalanced is NOT a weight loss program.

    Majority of students notice less bloating, improved digestion, boundless energy, flawless sleep and confidence around food, which are necessary elements in a weight loss journey. And although our primary focus is NOT on weight loss, many students notice shifts and changes in their weight during the program, as a kind of positive side effect of changing food habits and breaking up with sugar.

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Get "Back On Track Formula"!    

For just £7 more, upgrade your order with a step-by-step plan to recover and get back on track if you've "fallen off the wagon" 
This workshop will help you:
➝ Bounce back from any relapse
➝ Avoid recurring set ups
➝ Put together a personalised plan to get back on track to achieving your food and health goals.
  • Total payment
  • 1xCravings Rebalanced£0

All prices in GBP

London, 38

Thanks Milda! I have been making great inroads and gaining lots of knowledge and tools. I'm so grateful

Bath, 39

Thanks to the way of eating your recommended I no longer feel the need to binge on sugar, my energy is more balanced and I finally feel calm around food!